Where to FreeBSD Boot Manager?

Gary W. Swearingen garys at opusnet.com
Sun Aug 21 15:32:16 GMT 2005

Garrett Cooper <youshi10 at u.washington.edu> writes:
> Soo-Hyun Choi wrote:
>>Which drive should I install the FreeBSD Boot Manager?
>>Thank you.
>     Your primary 1st channel IDE drive-the one you have devoted for Windows use-unless you plan on using a bootdisk to
>     startup FreeBSD :).

If you have or can install a fancy boot manager (i.e., not FreeBSD's),
starting in the MBR of the first disk, then you can sometimes do
without a BM on the second disk, but if you're going to use a normal
FreeBSD disk layout and you don't have a fancy BM, then you'll
normally want a FreeBSD Boot Manager in the MBR of both disks.  The
first one lets you boot from the partitions on the first disk or start
the second disk's MBR from which you can boot FreeBSD.  Except I don't
know about dual booting with MSFT OSes.  I've read it's possible with
the FreeBSD BM.  The list archives have info on that.

Garrett: I got my BSEE from your school before it became the MSFT
Academy. :)

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