Ntpd problems

Dmitry Mityugov dmitry.mityugov at gmail.com
Sat Aug 20 19:37:21 GMT 2005

On 8/20/05, fire67 <bettan at nerim.net> wrote:
> Hello , i'm on freebsd 5.4 and i tried to configure ntpd but i have this problem :
>  ntpd[546]: bind() fd 16, family 28, port 123, addr fe80:9::2bd:a0ff:fe08:0, in6_is_addr_multicast=0 flags=0 fails: Can't assign requested address
> Anyone knowns this problem ?

I never was able to configure ntpd to run on FreeBSD 5.x. Thought that
was a widely noticed bug but seems I was wrong. Anyway, now I am using
ntpdate in the startup scripts and so far so good.

Dmitry Mityugov, St. Petersburg, Russia
I ignore all messages with confidentiality statements

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