Backup to CD-R

imnotmork_listas at imnotmork_listas at
Thu Aug 18 08:36:18 GMT 2005

a3bm() {

  Hi! I was wondering if somebody can give me a clue to how to
  schedulle regular backups to CD-R. I'm using FreeBSD 5.3.

  By now, i can asume that the best choice is to use 'dump' but i
  can't realize how to use the CD-R as a 'writeable' device.




Key fingerprint = 7A 81 0A 0C 0D 58 4E E3  57 96 70 AA ED C7 29 E7

¯`.(¯`. *  <imnotmork_listas at> * .¯).¯)

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