Cannot use linux-blackdown-jdk1.4.2 Mozilla Plugin. Need help.

Josh Zale appledelhi at
Mon Aug 15 18:27:15 GMT 2005

Hello all, I know this is a noob question, but I really cannot figure
this out. I've  installed the linux-blackdown-jdk1.4.2 port. Ive also
installed linux_base-8-8.0_6, and have set linux_enable="YES" in
rc.conf. Problem is,  whenever I start firefox, I get the  message:
LoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library
[Shared object "" not found, required by

Now,  exists in my /compat/linux/lib directory. I,ve tried
moving the file to diiferent lib directories, with no success. I would
really like to run java apps in my browser. Any help would be greatly
appreciated. I am using FreeBSD 5.4, by hte way.

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