After Partitioning a Drive: WARNING - WRITE_DMA UDMA ICRCerror (retrying request)

Mark Kane mark at
Mon Aug 15 16:08:58 GMT 2005

Well, it's a week later and I've been trying some things. I don't want 
to get in to too much complicated detail, but I've now got the following 
disk setup:

Primary Master - 200GB 7200RPM
Secondary Master - TDK VeloCD CD Burner
Secondary Slave - Sony DRU500A
RAID0 Master - 160GB 7200RPM
RAID0 Slave - 160GB 7200RPM

I don't have the two 80GB's or 60GB's in there now since I was just 
testing with this setup. I thought keeping the OS drive on primary 
master and the rest on RAID would do the trick, but it didn't.

Bottom line is, I'm still getting the same errors with several different 
configurations of the drives. Now in the last couple of days I'm also 
getting READ DMA errors when reading from one of the 160GB drives as 
well. Before it was all just WRITE, but now some READs are thrown in 
there as well.

I should note that I have never seen a "FAILURE" message, only the 
"WARNING" messages. Also, if I downgrade the speed to UDMA100, it seems 
to work just fine as it does in UDMA66 mode.

I'm wondering if anyone else has any ideas? Personally I'm out, and if 
nobody else knows (including Maxtor, Giga-Byte, and my parts 
distributor) then I'm going to have to see what I can do to get another 
brand/model motherboard. I'm to the point where I think it's something 
with their controller and how it handles Maxtor drives. Now that I 
remember, I used to see similar results when running Windows on the 
previous board before sending it in (same model). However Windows would 
automatically take it down to 100 so I didn't see any errors.

Anyone think its something other than the board and it's controllers, or 
is that a pretty good estimate?

Thanks in advance.


Mark Kane wrote:
> Okay well I tried another test. I left the 160GB on the primary IDE 
> channel, took out both optical drives, and put the 60GB on the secondary 
> IDE channel by itself.
> I copied the data over again. No errors this time. I checksummed the 
> data, and everything is OK.
> Chuck Swiger wrote:
>> Without another known-working mainboard to test, you can't really be 
>> sure, but it's a hardware problem of some sort, perhaps due to poor 
>> cabling, perhaps a marginal or failing mainboard.
> The cables are new, and the other drive on the same channel works in 
> UDMA133 with no errors.
> The motherboard is new as well, fresh from the factory (unless it's 
> defective).
>> If you use BIOS or atacontrol to slow down to UDMA 33 speeds, does 
>> everything work OK?
> I tried slowing it down to UDMA66 speeds via atacontrol, and the errors 
> went away on the 80GB. I haven't tried the 60GB drive yet.
> -Mark
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