Fwd: Browser ?

Dmitry Mityugov dmitry.mityugov at gmail.com
Fri Aug 12 11:57:17 GMT 2005

From: Nikolas Britton <nikolas.britton at gmail.com>
On 8/12/05, Giorgos Keramidas <keramida at ceid.upatras.gr> wrote:
> On 2005-08-12 14:10, Dmitry Mityugov <dmitry.mityugov at gmail.com> wrote:
> >On 8/11/05, Giorgos Keramidas <keramida at ceid.upatras.gr > wrote:
> >> I know that this isn't quite what you asked, but judging from my past
> >> experience with browser-based mailers, you should really use a real
> >> mailer. The mutilations performed on the message text by web-based 
> >> mailers are absolutely horrible.
> >
> > Including Google? (Posting this, as well as all other messages here,
> > via their web interface)
> Quite often, yes.

Like what?

Guess Giorgos meant something like this.

But you can do this with many real mailers as well :-)

Dmitry Mityugov, St. Petersburg, Russia
I ignore all messages with confidentiality statements

"We live less by imagination than despite it" - Rockwell Kent, "N by E"

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