Can't install php5-apache20 combination

Beecher Rintoul akbeech at
Wed Aug 10 20:21:17 GMT 2005

On Wednesday 10 August 2005 12:09 pm, bob self wrote:
> I have a new installation of 5.4-RELEASE and am trying to get apache2
> with php5 support installed.
> No luck so far. In what order should I do this? I've tried this:
> *portupgrade -vN php5*
>     These are the options that I selected
>     APACHE2        (yes. I changed this from 'no')
>     DEBUG            (no)
>     MULTIBYTE    (no)
>     IPV6            (yes. It was the default)
> *portupgrade -vN php5-extensions*
>     I selected the following additional options (I've used gd, imagick,
> etc in the past with php, so I'll be wanting these.
>     Does it hurt to just select all options in case you might need them
> later?)
>     BZ2
>     CURL
>     GD
>     MYSQL
>     PDF
>     ZIP
>     ZLIB
> That seemed go ok, but my phpinfo() does not show anything about mysql,
> which is the main php support that I'm trying to get.
> Then I tried this:
> *portupgrade -vN apache20*
> But I get an error message "No such installed package or port:
> apache20", which exists in /usr/ports/www/apache20.
> I uninstalled php5 to start over.
> So, how can I install apache2 with php5 and the necessary extensions? Is
> there a way just install apache20 and make the
> installation install whatever you need, including php5 in the right order?
> thanks,
> Bob
Since you have apache installed, install /usr/ports/www/mod_php5

That will do what you want.

Beech Rintoul - System Administrator - akbeech at
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