NIS problems on FreeBSD 5.4

Dan Nelson dnelson at
Tue Aug 9 01:03:02 GMT 2005

In the last episode (Aug 08), Jeremy Utley said:
> I'm trying to use FreeBSD 5.4 as an NIS client, and am encountering
> problems.  I've followed the instructions given in the FreeBSD docs
> (
> successfully, but the system does not recognize my NIS users.
> Running ypcat passwd shows expected output:
> freebsd5# ypcat passwd
> Administrator:omitted:0:0::/root:/bin/bash
> jeremy:omitted:500:100::/home/jeremy:/bin/bash
> test:omitted:501:100::/home/test:/bin/bash

You might want to change these passwords now that everyone knows the
hash :)
> However, when I try to login as any of these 3 users, it rejects the
> login - even using the "id" command fails:
> freebsd5# id jeremy
> id: jeremy: no such user

You need either a plus line in your master.passwd file (best way to add
it is to use the vipw command):


Or you need this in /etc/nsswitch.conf:

	passwd: files nis

	Dan Nelson
	dnelson at

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