5.4 <-> 4.11-stable

Michael L. Squires mikes at siralan.org
Sun Aug 7 18:34:13 GMT 2005

On Sun, 7 Aug 2005, dick hoogendijk wrote:
> Is FreeBSD ready for running 24/7 a day in a *stable* way.
> If yes, I'll upgrade my 4.11 server.

The only show-stopper I've run into has been my inability to get "gvinum" 
or "vinum" (my understanding is that "gvinum" has replaced "vinum" in 
5.4-STABLE and later) to work reliably under 5.4-RELEASE or 5.4-STABLE 
with RAID5 arrays.

Otherwise I can't tell any difference with respect to reliability.

Mike Squires

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