jail question -- why can a user programatically see more than one IP address inside a jail?

Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC chad at shire.net
Sun Aug 7 00:58:04 GMT 2005

I have some jails.  On 5.3R i386

Some software (some C based, some java) for various reasons, like  
licensing,  look at all the IP addresses/interfaces available in the  
running system.

Inside the jail they return more than just the jails IP address.  For  
example, FrontBase database (www.frontbase.com) sees the following  
inside the jail

Host name and IP and ethernet address information
Name of this host       : db.shire.net
IP address of this host : XXX.70.252.100
IP address              : XXX.70.252.132
IP address              :
IP address              :
No ethernet interfaces configured

WARNING: The IP address, XXX.70.252.100 for this host db.shire.net is
          not configured on any network device.

The main address shown, XXX.70.252.100 is the jail's IP.
XXX.70.252.132 is the main address assigned to bge0 on the jail's host is the main address assigned to bge1 on the jail's host is the main address assigned to lo0 on the jail's host

The other bunch of alias IPs assigned to bge0 do not show through.

I was wondering why the jailed processes can see these addresses  
though they do not show in ifconfig for example and you cannot do  
anything with them...

On a related note we have some java software that is trying to do  
multicast inside a jail to do the mDNS stuff for ZeroConf and it is  
getting confused for similar reasons it appears (still gathering  
details on this)


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at shire.net

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