Wireless access points for FreeBSD 4.3?

Jamie Ann P. Zamodio japz20 at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 3 02:40:07 GMT 2005

--- Chuck Swiger <cswiger at mac.com> wrote:

> Anyway, if you are stuck using 4.3 for unimaginable
> reasons, I suspect the 
> atheros or PRISM-2/2.5 chipsets are what you are
> looking for.

Yeah, I'm stuck using 4.3. I'd update if I could, but
unfortunately I can't.

> Your question doesn't make it entirely clear whether
> you are looking for a 
> wireless card/NIC for a FreebSD machine to talk to a
> base station, or whether 
> you are having an issue sending traffic to or from a
> wired FreeBSD machine to 
> some other Linux box via basestation to wireless...?

I'm sorry, I assumed wireless access point = base
station. Yes, I'm sending traffic from a wired FreeBSD
machine to a wireless Linux box via a base station.
> It may be the case that you want to bridge or NAT a
> wireless subnet onto your 
> LAN, but you should consult your basestation's docs
> for how to do that; FreeBSD 
> would use nothing but normal TCP/IP routing to the
> basestation.

Please correct me if I'm wrong... FreeBSD 4.3 doesn't
care what type of base station I use, as long as I can
configure the base station to make them see each
'Cause that's my real problem, as we only have
relatively new base stations in the lab, and I don't
know if 4.3 will work with them. If they won't then
should I start scrounging about for older base

Again, thanks in advance,

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