dhclient and wpa_supplicant

Sam Leffler sam at errno.com
Tue Aug 2 03:33:12 GMT 2005

Eric Schuele wrote:
> Sam Leffler wrote:
>> Eric Schuele wrote:
>>> Sam Leffler wrote:
>>>> Eric Schuele wrote:
>>> <big-snip>
>>>>> dhclient.conf contains
>>>>> ===========================
>>>>> interface "ath0" {
>>>>>   #send option host-name "myhost";
>>>>>   #send option domain-name "nxdomain.org";
>>>>>   send dhcp-client-identifier "myhost";
>>>>>   media
>>>>>   ### Home
>>>>>   "ssid <home_ssid> mode 11b channel 11 wepmode on weptxkey 1 
>>>>> wepkey 0x<home_wepkey>",
>>>>>   ### Office
>>>>>   "ssid <office_ssid mode 11b channel 6 wepmode on weptxkey 1 
>>>>> wepkey 0x<office_wepkey>";
>>>>>       request subnet-mask, broadcast-address, routers, 
>>>>> domain-name-servers, domain-name;
>>>>> }
>>>> Do not use media statements to setup wireless parameters; this does 
>>>> not work.  You need to run wpa_supplicant and let it identify the 
>>>> network and setup the key parameters.
>>> How do I tell wpa_supplicant about the network media?  I had found an 
>>> older post of yours regarding NOT doing it in dhclient.conf.... but 
>>> I've found no other way to accomplish it.
>> The above dhclient.conf lists media settings that are all handled by 
>> wpa_supplicant so you don't specify any of them.  Specifically you set 
>> ssid, band, channel, and wep parameters; all these are handled by 
>> wpa_supplicant.
> ok... I removed the lines from dhclient.conf.  I reboot, and run 
> wpa_supplicant manually with -d.  The output is attached.  My AP shows 
> up as "", while my neighbors ssids are not hidden ('linksys' and 
> 'default').
>> The intent is that dhclient deal only with the dhcp protocol and stop 
>> being involved in the discovery and selection of wireless networks (a 
>> job wpa_supplicant is better equipped to handle).
>>>>> wpa_supplicant.conf
>>>>> =============================
>>>>> ctrl_interface=/var/run/wpa_supplicant
>>>>> ctrl_interface_group=wheel
>>>>> # Home Network
>>>>> network={
>>>>>    ssid="<home_ssid>"
>>>>>    scan_ssid=1
>>>>>    key_mgmt=NONE
>>>>>    wep_tx_keyidx=0
>>>>>    wep_key0="<home_wepkey>"
>>>>> }
>>>>> # Office Network
>>>>> network={
>>>>>    ssid="<office_ssid>"
>>>>>    scan_ssid=1
>>>>>    key_mgmt=NONE
>>>>>    wep_tx_keyidx=0
>>>>>    wep_key0="<office_wepkey>"
>>>>> }
>>>> Not sure you need scan_ssid set, I'd leave it out.
>>>> If you have problems try disabling auto-startup of ath0 and run 
>>>> wpa_supplicant by hand with the -d flag to see what it's doing.  
>>>> Once that's going then enable startup in rc.conf.  If you continue 
>>>> to have problems provide the output wpa_supplicant -d -i ath0 -c 
>>>> /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf (or similar) when you have trouble.  There is
>>>> also a pending issue with locating some ap's that are setup to hide 
>>>> their ssid.  If one of the ap's is configured in this way contact me 
>>>> directly--I've been trying to collect the info I need to identify 
>>>> what's going on.
>>> Both my APs (home and office) hide their ssids.  One is a wrt54g 
>>> (home), the other is linksys as well... though I forget the model at 
>>> the moment (FWIW its a/b/g).  What can I do to provide the info you 
>>> need?
>> These should work; I've had reports of problems with certain Cisco 
>> ap's.  Note however that configuring an ap to hide it's ssid adds no 
>> real security.
> I realize hidden ssids are of no real world use... but they keep *my* 
> neighbors out (you'll notice their ssids in the wpa_supp output).

Actually you can do just as well using mac acl's to restrict access. 
Neither hidden ssid or mac acls are particularly useful except to keep 
nuisance traffic out.  Both can be trivially subverted; you need to go 
to something like 802.1x or wpa for reasonable authentication of 
stations (wpa-psk is inexpensive and easy to setup and is my preferred 

Understand that hidden ssid use comes at a price.  Normally a station 
will scan by sending a "broadcast probe request" frame on a channel and 
listen for responses from all ap's.  When an ap hides its ssid the 
station must send a "directed probe request" frame for each ap that it 
might be looking for.  If you've got lots of ap's on the wire and/or 
lots of ap's you're searching for your scan will take more time and soak 
more air time.  Given that it's trivial to passively monitor a network 
and collect the ssid for an ap you can see why I suggest it's better to 
use a mac acl if your intent is just to keep out naive users.

>>     Sam
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> Any idea why my machine will never associate with my AP using 
> wpa_supplicant?  Anything else I can provide that may shed some light? I 
> am using WEP... not WPA... could that part of the problem.  Since WPA 
> was not previously supported I had been using WEP... and figured I'd 
> move up to WPA one step at a time.
> All help is appreciated.

	<...stuff deleted...>

The problem is that the current wpa_supplicant scanning code is pretty 
simplistic.  wpa_supplicant is a great bit of work but was written for 
the least-common denominator device.  When scanning it does not (yet) 
handle ap's using hidden ssid except by deferring the work to the 
operating system.  Unfortunately the current scanning code in the os 
also is very simplistic.  The end result is that wpa_supplicant can only 
scan for 1 ap using a hidden ssid and when it does that it can't also 
scan for ap's that don't hide their ssid (you get one or the other).  To 
do the right thing the api provided by the kernel must be changed.  I've 
got work that does that uncommitted but it's unlikely to go into 6.x 
because it'll break internal ABI's and that's a no-no.

Bottom line is for the monent avoid using hidden ssid.  I'll see if I 
can come up with an interim solution but it's unlikely to happen before 
6.0 releases. Sorry.


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