How to get rid of games ?

Rob spamrefuse at
Wed Apr 27 20:29:11 PDT 2005


I'm running a server with 4-Stable.

As it is a server, things like games should not be
there. However, it has already been installed (did
that come by default? don't know).

Anyway, I'd like to get rid of all the games stuff.
I'll add "NOGAMES=true" in /etc/make.conf, which will
prevent compiling & installing games for a new build
+ install world.

However, what was already there, remains there after
a new install world; and I'd like to remove those
games files & directories.

I don't like to roam around the system as root and
type "rm -rf" here and there, without being very
sure it can go.

Can I safely do
 rm -rf /usr/games /usr/share/games /var/games
for that matter?

Can I also safely do the same on a 5-Stable server?


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