Which is the best PDF utility ?

edward kouye at wanadoo.fr
Tue Apr 26 16:11:30 PDT 2005

Thanks for the suggestion Henry. I'll try it straight away. To all the 
others who kindly answered my question and suggested xpdf, the utility 
works well. No thumbnails, though. And something slightly more KDE-ish 
would be cool. But it definitely showed me which way to go.
Thanks again gang.

Henry Miller wrote:
> On 4/26/2005 at 19:13 edward wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>Just wanted to know which is, according to you, the best utility to
> read 
>>PDF files. I notice the Acrobat7 port is mentioned as "broken" in the 
>>notes. Which program (not necessarily Adobe) would be the best 
>>alternative for everyday PDF reading ? Oh, almost forgot, I use KDE.
>>Thanks for your insight on this.
> kpdf, which is based on xpdf (other recommended xpdf) is a part of KDE,
> and thus integrates well with the rest of your KDE environment.  I like
> it.   The Adobe reader would be better if it wasn't such a pain to
> install and use.   (I have a windows machine with acrobat, but when I
> need to view a pdf I move to my FreeBSD machine so I can use kpdf)
> kpdf is a part of kdegraphics, which is in ports as:
> /usr/ports/graphics/kdegraphics3
> I'd call this your best bet because you use KDE already.

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