It keeps CRrrASHING!!

Roland Smith rsmith at
Mon Apr 25 09:12:30 PDT 2005

On Mon, Apr 25, 2005 at 07:54:55AM -0500, Fafa Diliha Romanova wrote:
> Hey!
> I am running FreeBSD 5.4-STABLE on a Pentium 120.
> Since three days ago, it has been crashing regularly, leaving me with
> no choice but to shut it off and back on. I have absolutely no idea what
> might be wrong. The server has a lot of free HD space. It ain't
> experiencing no overload that I'm aware of. Everything should be smooth.
> Maybe it's the network interface. Or the fact that I just replaced
> IPFW with PF. Because this only seems to happen when I surf the net and
> download stuff from the workstation behind it. 

Set the system up for saving crashdumps, as described in §11.1 of the
developers handbook. That might give the developers a better idea what's

Make sure the hardware is OK. There are some old chipsets (RZ1000?)
that are a known source of problems. Check the mailing list archives.
Run memtest86 to check the RAM. Check if PCI cards are properly seated
and if cables aren't loose.

If you suspect the network interface, try another network card and see
whether the problems disappear.

If returning to IPFW fixes the problem, it might well be a problem with
PF of with your ruleset.

R.F. Smith                           /"\    ASCII Ribbon Campaign
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