Audit tools?

Clifton Royston cliftonr at
Sun Apr 24 13:12:56 PDT 2005

On Sun, Apr 24, 2005 at 01:08:55PM -0700, Jay O'Brien wrote:
> Erik Trulsson wrote:
> > On Sun, Apr 24, 2005 at 08:02:39AM -0700, Jay O'Brien wrote:
> >>What are the tools that I should use to audit an existing 
> >>FreeBSD installation? Without changing anything, I wish 
> >>to quickly determine what is installed, i.e., the basic 
> >>system, ports and packages, and then to compare what is 
> >>installed to the currently available versions. 
> > 
> > For ports/packages you can use pkg_info(1) to see what is installed,
> > and pkg_version(1) to compare what is installed to what is in the ports
> > tree.
> > 
> > For the base system there is no corresponding way to see what is
> > installed or not.  'uname -a' will show which version of FreeBSD is
> > installed, but after that you will have to check manually to see if all
> > components are installed or not.
> Erik,
> Thanks; I was hoping that there were some additional tools that 
> I hadn't found so far. At least you have confirmed that I'm 
> following a reasonable procedure. 
> Jay 

  You can check out the portupdate package, but of course if it's not
already installed, it doesn't meet your criteria of "without changing

  BTW, the above discussion is assuming you mean audit in the "taking
an inventory" sense.  If you're talking about audit in the security
sense, the above doesn't do it, and you need to look at tools like
mtree (should be there as built-in), Tripwire (extra package), etc.

  -- Clifton

          Clifton Royston  --  cliftonr at 
         Tiki Technologies Lead Programmer/Software Architect
"I'm gonna tell my son to grow up pretty as the grass is green
And whip-smart as the English Channel's wide..."
                                            -- 'Whip-Smart', Liz Phair

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