Where to find good/cheap tech support

Chuck Swiger cswiger at mac.com
Sun Apr 24 11:57:11 PDT 2005

ChrisC wrote:
> Where would you all recommend that one can go to find good FreeBSD tech 
> support that does not cost $150+ an hour?

This mailing list usually does a pretty good job, considering, and it's free.

However, someone located on-site or near to where-ever the machine is, is 
going to do a better job than someone located far away-- it's much easier to 
work on console than debug problems remotely via email.

(This is true even when the problem isn't PEBKAC. :-)


PS: The acronym googles well, not that I mean to suggest *your* problem is a 
matter of user error.  Are you sure the SCSI controller is still OK-- does it 
work in another machine?

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