Rép : Cluster on freeBSD 5.3

Andrea Venturoli ml at netfence.it
Fri Apr 22 05:01:15 PDT 2005

BSD wrote:

> - DNS (BIND)

This is quite easy: just set up one of your server as master, the other 
as slave. You can configure your clients to use both, and, as an 
additional benefit, use VRRP or CARP to provide faster recover in case 
of failure.

> - LDAP Client

Hm, do you mean server?
In that case OpenLDAP provides replication and works quite fine if your 
LDAP is read-only. If it is read-write, then modifications will 
temporarily be disallowed when the master fails.

> - NTPD

You should have no problem.

> - WebMin

Sorry, I don't know this software.

> - Mail (Postfix)
 > - POP3
 > - POP3s

This is getting harder: you can have to different server for outgoing 
mail (using VRRP or CARP).
If these are the MX for a domain, you can list them both in the DNS.
Then you have two choices:
_ one forwards mail to the other, from which the clients download via 
POP3; in case of failure you still receive all messages, but your user 
won't see them until the master is fixed;
_ both are POP3 server from which clients download; when one fails, the 
other keeps working fine, but the messages which are stored on the 
former won't be downloadable until it's fixed.

I'm not aware of any application-level solution to this, so I guess 
further development would probably require a read-write filesystem 
failover solution, which I never tried. Others have suggested heathbeat, 
but it's something I have yet to study.

> - Mailing List (Sympa)

I guess it might be part of the above. Wouldn't it?


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