slow Ethernet

Kris Kennaway kris at
Tue Apr 19 20:47:49 PDT 2005

On Wed, Apr 20, 2005 at 11:46:12AM +0800, Robert Storey wrote:
> Dear All,
> I've noticed that transferring files (using the scp command) between a
> laptop and a desktop is very slow when using FreeBSD. The laptop is
> running Linux (Debian). The desktop is dual-boot (Debian and FreeBSD).
> When I boot FreeBSD and scp files to the laptop, transfer times are very
> slow. If I reboot the desktop to Debian and transfer files, transfer
> times are at twice as fast. It can't be hardware problems, since the
> hardware is identical, it's simply the OS.
> So my question(s): first, has anybody else seen this? Secondly, does
> anyone know the actual cause? And finally, is there a fix for it?
> Any help and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

This is typically because of duplex or speed mismatch between the two
endpoints.  e.g. some less capable NICs autodetect badly, so try
specifying the settings exactly.

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