gmirror on local + nfs volume

Paul Mather paul at
Tue Apr 19 14:22:03 PDT 2005

On Tue, 19 Apr 2005 16:07:29 +0200, Feczak Szabolcs <feczo at>

> I have read about this some months ago on the list, but I can not find
> it now. Can someone explain how to make a Geom mirror with one local
> and one remote component ? (so basicly syncronize two volumes between
> machines automagically)

I don't know about NFS, but I remember someone doing something similar
to what you describe using geom_gate for the remote component.  See
ggated(8) and ggatec(8) for how to set up an use a geom_gate provider.

Geom_mirror works with GEOM providers, and I don't believe NFS fulfills
this requirement.  So, it's unlikely that geom_mirror with a NFS
component would be possible.

Note that the geom_mirror + geom_gate synchronisation would be one-way.


e-mail: paul at

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