cd-rom sysinstall fixit utility

Toni Schmidbauer toni at
Mon Apr 18 11:17:14 PDT 2005

On Mon, Apr 18, 2005 at 01:05:53PM -0400, Darrel wrote:
> Is there actually a way to change the shell of root while logged in with
> the fixit utility on the cd-rom?

boot from the fixit cd/floppy, mount your root partition (e.g.
/dev/ad0s1a), edit /etc/passwd and change the shell to something
valid (/bin/csh should always work).

a quick search on google for "freebsd fixit" found the following, 
which might help:

in your case, after mounting /dev/ad0s1a on /mnt, 
"vi /mnt/etc/passwd" - save, reboot and you should be fine.

Wer es einmal so weit gebracht hat, dass er nicht | toni at stderror dot at
mehr irrt, der hat auch zu arbeiten aufgehoert    | Toni Schmidbauer
-- Max Planck                                     |

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