messages from dhclient

LukeD at LukeD at
Sun Apr 17 18:00:56 PDT 2005

> I have installed dhcp to get my FreeBSD system on line, a machine which I am
> trying to set up as a web server. I used sysinstall and it seems to work
> correctly (this e-mail is coming from my Linux workstation). However, when
> working on the FreeBSD machine I keep getting the following message:
> <date & time> dhclient: send_packet: permission denied.
> What does this mean? I cannot find a reference to it in the man files.
> It is a nuisance. When I am editing a config file with vi, this message get
> written into the file, and over cofig file lines. How can I turn it off.

This happened to me briefly last week when my ISP decided to replace the 
router/DHCPserver that I happened to be connected to with a new one with a 
new IP address.  dhclient wasn't too happy about that.  I rebooted and all 
was fine, but in the meantime I got this message.

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