PPP slows down the system

Jonathan Chen jonc at chen.org.nz
Sun Apr 17 12:22:30 PDT 2005

On Sun, Apr 17, 2005 at 09:04:11PM +0200, Emil Khatib wrote:
> Hi everybody. 
> I'm using a 56k connection to access the Internet. I'm using user PPP,
> and everytime I dial up, everything works too slow. At least X works
> quite bad (and so KDE). When I try "startx", it freezes for a few
> seconds and then it starts and takes a long time to load KDE. Also,
> the applications in KDE start very slowly (when they start).

KDE does DNS lookups like crazy. Make sure you've got an entry in
/etc/hosts for the output of hostname(1), and see whether that makes a
Jonathan Chen                      |      To do is to be  -- Nietzsche
<jonc at chen.org.nz>                 |      To be is to do  -- Sartre 
                                   |      Scooby do be do -- Scooby

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