Attaching to a Windows peer-to-peer network without a domain

Ahost Isco ahostisco at
Sun Apr 17 08:33:41 PDT 2005


Could someone tell me the steps necessary to connect freeBSD as a guest to a 
Microsoft Windows peer-to-peer network that is running without a domain? 
Windows has a network connectivity that doesn't require a domain controller, 
DNS, or any of the normal network stuff. It uses a workgroup, and an 
'announce' to the group. All computers in the group see all the other 
computers in the group. Computers can be added to the network by simply 
attaching and powering on, and removed by simply disconnecting. It is used 
practically exclusively for home networks behind a firewall, with IP 
addresses that are not shared with the WAN.

I would like to connect my freeBSD computer to such a network TEMPORARILY, 
so I don't want to change their existing network configuration. The network 
setting I'm wanting to connect to uses a TCP/IP protocol. Such networks are 
limited in what they can do, but I don't want my freeBSD computer to end up 
being a controller in such an environment. I seem to be having some 
difficulty in setting this up.

Samba is already installed. Can someone provide me with a command sequence 
that would allow the connection to such a network as a guest, with the 
ability to view the shared files / folders on this network?

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

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