messages from dhclient

Roland Smith rsmith at
Sun Apr 17 04:56:18 PDT 2005

On Sun, Apr 17, 2005 at 01:04:48PM +0200, Joost van Dijk wrote:
> Hello, 
> I have installed dhcp to get my FreeBSD system on line, a machine which I am 
> trying to set up as a web server. I used sysinstall and it seems to work 
> correctly (this e-mail is coming from my Linux workstation). 

> However, when working on the FreeBSD machine I keep getting the
> following message: <date & time> dhclient: send_packet: permission
> denied.  What does this mean?

It looks to me like you're not running dhclient with sufficient
permissions (i.e. not as root), or you have a firewall that doesn't let the
traffic through.

> I cannot find a reference to it in the man files.
> It is a nuisance. When I am editing a config file with vi, this message get 
> written into the file, and over cofig file lines. How can I turn it off. 

The message is written on your terminal, but should not be written into
the file. Does pressing crtl+l help restore the screen?

You could redirect the standard error stream for dhclient to /dev/null
when you start it up: "dhclient 2>/dev/null". Or kill dhclient while
you're editing.

Alternatively, you could keep a copy of the FreeBSD servers
configuration files (/etc and /usr/local/etc) on your workstation
(e.g. in ~/setup/server/) where you can edit them at your leisure and
keep them under revision control. After making changes you could can
synchronize with rsync, provided you have rsync running as a daemon on
the server.

R.F. Smith                           /"\    ASCII Ribbon Campaign
r s m i t h @ x s 4 a l l . n l      \ /    No HTML/RTF in e-mail         X     No Word docs in e-mail
public key: / \    Respect for open standards
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