Acrobat Reader 7.0

modelt20 at modelt20 at
Sat Apr 16 13:28:19 PDT 2005


On the Adobe website, there are two packages for
Acrobat Reader 7 that can be retrieved, one is a
.tar.gz, and the other is a .rpm. RPM files 
are normally for RedHat, and the other is probably a
general linux file.

>From your list of required files, I notice you list a
requirement of rpm-3.0.6 9. Does this mean I should
download the RPM version? Is there a reason for one
instead of the other?

When the package is downloaded, do I just use the
              pkg_add -r acroread 
(that is, after I expand the file if necessary)?

Or do I need to do a 
              make install clean 
in the directory created by the expansion?

I have been seeing PDF files created in versions of
Acrobat later than 5, and they won't open in AcroRead5. 

Thanks for your help.


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