src out of sync or buildworld broken?

Gary Lum glum at SIMS.Berkeley.EDU
Fri Apr 15 13:14:18 PDT 2005

Afternoon everyone.

I track RELENG_5 using cvsup that runs nightly. Today I've been trying 
to buildworld and keep running into problems with missing directories 
and files.
   First, build world was complaing that the /usr/src/sys/dev/ieee488 
dir was missing. Couldn't find anything on google pertaining to the 
error. I cd'd to the dev dir and it wasn't there so I created it. I then 
ran again and ran into the same thing with /usr/src/sys/geom/shsec dir 
missing, so I created that.
   Now I'm getting an error message:

In file included from 
openssl/fips.h: No such file or directory
mkdep: compile failed
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src/secure/lib/libcrypto.
*** Error code 1

find can't find fips.h nor fips

Any suggestions? How can I resynch my source? I've cvsup'ed twice just 
to be sure

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