Portupgrade problem
Micheal Patterson
micheal at tsgincorporated.com
Fri Apr 8 12:15:41 PDT 2005
----- Original Message -----
From: "Aperez" <alfredoj69 at gmail.com>
To: <freebsd-questions at freebsd.org>
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2005 1:23 PM
Subject: Portupgrade problem
> Hi
> I am having the following problem when I try to upgrade my ports:
> portupgrade -arR
> cd: can't cd to /usr/ports/multimedia/nautilus-media
> Port directory not found: multimedia/nautilus-media
> !multimedia/nautilus-media (nautilus-media-0.8.0_4) (port directory error)
> I checked in /usr/ports/multimedia and of course there is not such
> directory.
> Is there a way I can fix this?
> Thanks
Is your ports tree current via cvs? If not, I'd update the tree, then
rebuild portupgrade and see how that works for you.
Micheal Patterson
Senior Communications Systems Engineer
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