fetch ports timedout

Wendell Hatcher wlh1074 at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 8 10:46:58 PDT 2005


I have a slight problem with the 5.3 release and I
checked all of your documentation,mailing,lists and on
the web before coming to you. My problem is when I go
into any port under the /usr/ports/directory and try
building that port using make it times out. The only
port that would build was the cvsup port and I used it
to make my ports tree current so I know it is up to
date. But when I go into a port make clean and make
install none of the ports seem to work its goes out to
fetch /ftp.XXXX and times out. I use a qwest dsl modem
and I do not have a firewall setup but even if I did
where would I make the changes neccessary for fetch to
go out and download the ports. I can goto the
sysinstall section and download ports and any data
from any ftp site but when I try and do the same thing
from the ports section it times out or when I try and
use pkg_add the fecth keeps timing out. 

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