ipmon logging

as2sb3100 at comcast.net as2sb3100 at comcast.net
Sat Apr 2 17:00:20 PST 2005

I figured it was something like that.  I read the man page for newsyslog and 
well not knowing very much about proccesses and stuff, I just skipped over the 
pid part.   After doing some reading I figured out I had to put in the path to 
the pid.  Now when newsyslog rotates the log file it restarts (or relaods or something) ipmon.  RTFM realy helps.

> After testing with 5.3 on my workbench box it seems that ipfilter
> has changed between 4.11 and 5.3. The syslog.conf logging statement
> of    local0.*       /var/log/security   is only valid for the
> ipfilter in the 4.x versions of Freebsd.
> security.*       /var/log/security     is only valid for the
> ipfilter in the 5.3 version and greater of Freebsd.
> The official handbook is written for 4.11 release.  It needs to be
> updated for the 5.3  5.4 releases
> -----Original Message-----
> From: as2sb3100 at comcast.net [mailto:as2sb3100 at comcast.net]
> Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 3:12 PM
> To: bob at a1poweruser.com
> Subject: RE: ipmon logging
> from the FAQ:
> 1. # I have IPMon logging to syslog, but syslog doesn't log
> anything, why not?
>     IPF logs as local0 so you'll want something to the effect of:
>     local0.debug /var/log/ipf.log
>     in your syslog.conf. NOTE: There has to be atleast one TAB in
> that line, not just spaces.
> It doesnt do this though, I think, I could mistaken.  In my rc.conf
> file I have ipmon_flags="Ds" and the line in syslog.conf from above
> (I've also tried local0.*  /var/log/ipf.log in syslog.conf) which
> should do what it says above.  All this is documented in the
> Handbook.  However, ipmon uses the security facility instead of
> local0.  This means that whenever something is logged by ipmon, it
> gets loged to /var/log/security.  If I change ipmon_flags="Ds" to
> ipmon_flags="D /var/log/ipf.log" it works perectly.  However, when
> newsyslog rotates the file when it gets to 100k, ipmon stops
> logging.  When I run nmap I normaly get a bunch of stuff logged.
> When newsyslog rotates the file it adds logfile turned over due
> to..., and then nothing gets logged after that.  So I know that it
> stops logging after newsyslog rotates the log.  I've been reading
> through the newsyslog.conf man page, but I'm not sure what I'm
> looking for.
> > There is a new write up of IPF in the official manual that
> explains
> > in detail how to get ipmon to log to separate file.
> >
> > You have to give more technical details about what you have done.
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: owner-freebsd-questions at freebsd.org
> > [mailto:owner-freebsd-questions at freebsd.org]On Behalf Of
> > as2sb3100 at comcast.net
> > Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 1:50 PM
> > To: freebsd-questions at freebsd.org
> > Subject: ipmon logging
> >
> > According to every website I've read so far ipmon uses local0 as
> the
> > facility name.  However, on my FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE-p5 box, it logs
> > to the security facility.  The man page (in both 5.2.1 and 5.3)
> for
> > ipmon, with -s for logging to syslog says, "The default facility
> > when compiled and installed is security".  Can anyone explain
> this?
> > I'd like ipmon to log to a separate file so it doesn't fill up the
> > security log.  I've tried having ipmon log directly to a file, and
> > not using syslog, but it stops logging when newsyslog rotates the
> > file.  Does anyone have any suggestions on what I could or should
> > do?
> >
> > Eric
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