lnc driver, was RE: Anthony's drive issues.Re: ssh password delay

Ted Mittelstaedt tedm at toybox.placo.com
Fri Apr 1 23:19:47 PST 2005

owner-freebsd-questions at freebsd.org wrote:
> Bernt Hansson writes:
>> Your machine is NOT on the HCL list.
> "The lnc(4) driver supports the following adapters:
> If the Ethernet card on the machine is supported, this implies that
> the machine is supported (otherwise why mention the card?).

The lnc driver is a special case, however.  The Lance chipset was
one of the ones implemented on Sparc systems, where it worked well.

On PC systems it was implemented in ISA cards most commonly the NE2100.

These implementations usually stank horribly as the chipset and card it's
on are busmasters, and ISA busmaster implementations are horribly fickle.
I've had many crashes on otherwise rock solid systems back 10 years ago
when I was fooling around with these cards.  So apparently did most other
admins as the NE2100 card was never popular.  (unlike the NE2000 and
NE3200)  Another problem was that ISA cards cannot busmaster past the
16MB boundary and Netware 3.x had an arcane way of setting up SCSI and
NIC busmasters which most admins didn't pay attention to, thus they
had problems.

If you really have enabled a Lance adapter in your Vectra then no
wonder your having problems, turn it off immediately and put in some
other NIC card.


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