segfaulting gcc

Jiri Novak novak at
Fri Apr 1 03:40:01 PST 2005

Alex Zbyslaw wrote:
> Jiri Novak wrote:
>> and I have noticed that lots of ports fail to build because of 
>> "internal compiler error" from GCC... 
> Does the error always occur in the same place?  If not, then it is 
> possible you have a hardware fault.
> A segmentation fault results from bad memory access, which could be a 
> program(mer) fault, but in something as well developed as GCC, they 
> ought never to happen.
> If it is a hardware fault, the likely culprits are memory and disk.  Do 
> you have any interesting messages in /var/log/messages?
> --Alex

The error always occur at the same place, in ports (it was firefox and mplayer
for sure, not quite sure about others) and in buildworld, so I don't suspect 
faulty hardware.
No useful messages in /var/log/messages...
Well, it seems that I'm doomed :(
Jiri Novak

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