Dlink-g520 Wireless and WEP

Andrew L. Gould algould at datawok.com
Fri Oct 22 21:03:16 PDT 2004

On Friday 22 October 2004 10:21 pm, scott renna wrote:
> So,
> Thanks to a fellow list member I got my 5.2.1 System
> to see my Dlink card.  The trouble now I'm having
> involves setting up WEP.  I am currently running WEP
> on a Netgear Wireless router 802.11b.  The Dlink does
> 802.11b/g. Here's what I'm running into when turning
> on WEP.  The router has a 26 character string for
> 128-bit WEP that I created via a passphrase.  Windows
> takes it and works well wirelessly but when I
> configure my card, here's wha t happens on BSD:
>  ifconfig ath0 netmask
> ssid SSID_NAME wepmode on wepkey
> 0xyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> ifconfig: ioctl (SIOCAIFADDR): File exists
> Assume the first 0x means hex and the rest is the key
> name.  Anyone have any ideas?
> Thanks
> scotty

There should be the term 'inet' between 'ath0' and the IP address:

ifconfig ath0 inet netmask .....

Is this an error in the email or in the configuration?

Andrew Gould

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