Upgrade from 4.10-p3 to 5.3-BETA7

Alex de Kruijff freebsd at akruijff.dds.nl
Sat Oct 16 13:56:27 PDT 2004

On Sat, Oct 16, 2004 at 09:26:47AM -0500, Eric Crist wrote:
> Hello list,
> I've tried in the past to complete an upgrade from 4.x to 5.x with 
> little luck.  Most people I've talked to indicate the only way to 
> accomplish this is to do a complete reinstall.  I was wondering if 
> anyone now has been able to do this.  I have one system that does all 
> my server operations, and I can't afford to take it completely offline 
> for a rebuild.
> Any documents or information you might have would be helpful.

You may want to wait until the release of 5.3 if its a production
server. Afther this time you can do a normal cvsup & buildworld
procedure. Make sure you follow this to the letter!!! You can find
information about all this in the handbook. www.freebsd.org/handbook 

Reinstalling FreeBSD 5 is saver and you'll end up with more features.
There is a option to do a background fsck check that you migth miss
because of this.


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