USB Flash Drive

Brian Bobowski bbobowski at
Tue Nov 30 06:26:29 PST 2004

Eric Kjeldergaard wrote:

>>Yes, put an entry in /etc/fstab for it. e.g.:
>>/dev/da0       /flash[1]      msdosfs[2]      rw
>Perhaps my card is just unusal, but freeBSD makes a da0s1 node which
>is the appropriate one to mount.
You're probably right about that, actually; it's been so long since I 
had the device hooked up that I simply forgot it, like a hard drive, 
would use the slice name schema even though it only appears in the 
console as "daX" when it mounts.

So check the actual contents of /dev for something relating to da0 
before trying this stunt. My mistake, sorry.


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