I can not install FreeBSD 5.3 in an old Pentium 100 MHz

Ramiro Aceves ea1abz at wanadoo.es
Sun Nov 28 04:36:57 PST 2004

Hello Ted:

Thanks for your help. I tried that before without success. I am going to 
download 4.10 floppies and I will tell you the result.


Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
> See
> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=acpi&sektion=4&manpath=FreeBSD+5.3-
> particularly the section:
>      To disable the acpi driver completely, set the kernel environment vari-
>      able hint.acpi.0.disabled to 1.
> This should be done in the loader prompt.  When you get the message:
> Hit [Enter] to boot immediately, or any other key for command prompt.
> Booting [kernel] in 9 seconds... _
> hit any other key for the command prompt then turn off acpi.
> If this doesen't work, try loading FreeBSD 4.10
> Ted
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: owner-freebsd-questions at freebsd.org
>>[mailto:owner-freebsd-questions at freebsd.org]On Behalf Of Ramiro Aceves
>>Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2004 3:04 AM
>>To: freebsd-questions at freebsd.org
>>Subject: I can not install FreeBSD 5.3 in an old Pentium 100 MHz
>>Hello dear FreeBSD friends.
>>I am Ramiro from Spain.This is my first post to the list. I am a regular
>>Debian GNU/Linux user, but I have been tempted to try FreeBSD. I have
>>installed it successfully on my 1200 MHz Athlon computer booting from
>>the CDROM drive and I like it, but I can not install it in an old
>>Pentium 100 MHz fujitsu computer. This old machine can not boot from the
>>CDROM, so I tried to boot with the floppies. I have prepared the 3
>>floppies several times and I stil can not install it.
>>I boot with the "boot.flp" floppy ok. I insert "kern1.flp" and it loads
>>ok. I insert "kern2.flp" and it loads ok. I was prompted to insert
>>"boot.flp" floppy again and it shows the logo screen with the booting
>>options. If I choose the default (with no acpi), the computers shudenly
>>restarts without being able to see any message. The remaining options
>>cause the same machine reboot. I can enter into the loader prompt.
>>¿What can I do?
>>Any help will be apreciated.
>>Sorry for my bad english.
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