cvsup to 5.3?

Erik Norgaard norgaard at
Wed Nov 24 13:10:40 PST 2004

Damien Hull wrote:
> I'm using 4.10. How much free space do I need to cvsup?
> I had a lot of space until I installed KDE. /usr is down to 2.3G. If
> this isn't enough space can I move everything to another drive with more
> space in /usr?
First, you can probably save a lot of disk space cleaning up 
/usr/ports/distfiles, and did you "make clean" after installing your ports?


# du -d 1 /usr
407574  /usr/src
558236  /usr/obj
162600  /usr/nclt

This was after make buildworld, make buildkernel, make installkernel and 
make installworld, and with two different kernel configs. I installed 
everything into /usr/nclt. Summing up, you should be ok with 2G


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