Question regarding X windows client-server implementation

Mark Jayson Alvarez jay2xra at
Wed Nov 10 20:10:59 PST 2004

Good day!
  Something is bothering me for so long regarding the
X windows client-server architecture. 

 First of all, I know that X server(eg; xorg) manages
my monitor, keyboard, mouse and video card. And also,
the clients are those applications that I run (eg,
kde, mozilla).

  Since I ran them both(xserver,x clients) on only one
pc(my workstation), that would be very simple and fine
for me. 

  But then I'm confused by the fact that I can let my
x clients connect to a remote x server,(eg, on a LAN).

How can that be?
 For example, I'm looking at my monitor right now..
And then there is this xorg installed on another pc
beside me. Now what I'm thinking is that the xorg
installed on another pc, knows the specs of my monitor
and graphics card and then I will authenticate my self
to it remotely.. then what? the x server will manage
my monitor and keyboard inputs remotely??? 

  And here's another scenario which I'm thinking of..
I have a workstation but its mouse, keyboard and
monitor is connected to a remote machine running x
server via a very very long monitor and keyboard
cable(hmm.. haven't seen anything that long). Aaaah! I
really can't get it.. Could you enlighten me please.
The handbook lacks this details. I'm thinking perhaps
it's because that section in the handbook is for a
typical user with standalone workstation and not for
an implementation of x window client-server on a
network. I just wanted to try this setup and many
other interesting things in FreeBSD with my
officemate. I hope you could help me.

Thanks a lot and have a nice day!

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