Caching DNS Server?

Rob spamrefuse at
Tue Nov 9 17:12:02 PST 2004

Andrew Smith wrote:
> Ok I think I've got bind working correctly, in resolve.conf I've only 
> put as the nameserver and I'm able to ping stuff on the 
> internet.  Is there anyway I can test to see if it's actually caching my 
> requests?  Where is the cache stored?

The size of the cache you get like this, for example:
$ top -U bind -n | grep named | awk '{print $6}'

In /var/named/etc/namedb/named.conf I have following lines:

         # file created by 'rndc dumpdb'
         dump-file       "/var/dump/named_dump.db";

         # files created by 'rndc stats'
         statistics-file "/var/stats/named.stats";
         memstatistics-file "/var/stats/named.memstats";

You can create these files with rndc command, but the files are
not so easy to understand.


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