difference between releases

TM4526 at aol.com TM4526 at aol.com
Mon Nov 8 18:14:18 PST 2004

In a message dated 11/8/04 5:31:33 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
jason.sheets at hp.com writes:
>So when will you switch to decaf?  Seriously though, in case you didn't
>notice this IS an open source discussion list, FreeBSD 5 is not just
>another snapshot it has undergone qualification and is in my experience
>and opinion very stable.  
>If you would refrain from insulting people's intelligence, name calling
>and trolling people would not need to respond to your posts as they do.
Well I think we're talking about 5.3-RELEASE, and I don't think that 
freebsd-questions is an "open-source discussion list". so what are you 
talking about anyhow? 

No one "needs to respond to my posts". Other people don't "need 
to respond". I wouldn't mind if they made a technical point 
once in a while, but all THEY do is call ME names. 

At least we know what a release really is now, since the guy who
originally answered the question was just plain wrong, as I pointed
out. Too bad those guys that always answer me didn't feel it necessary
to correct him.

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