Don't know what else to do with
kindredmnementh at
Mon May 31 14:52:03 PDT 2004
freebsd-questions at
--- hoe-waa at wrote:
> Aloha
> This sounds a whole lot like my DHCP problem. It was
> being
> discussed on this list earlier last week. I have
> attached my thread for your perusal.
> I have the same ethernet card as you. There is a
> workaround in the attachment that I am using (I also
> created a script to do it) but if someone comes up
> with a real fix it would be muck better.
> Read through my attachment and see if you think we
> have the same problem.
> Robert
Thanks for the help....I killed any open dhclients and
then did the still wasn't working until
I took a peek at my rc.conf and deleted the hostname
line and made sure ifconfig_sk0="DHCP" and the appends
were deleted...I then rebooted and viola!!! it
HOWEVER lol I now can't seem to get into X....It
worked before I got my NIC working correctly and now
when I startx it gets to the dark grey sceen where the
pointer looks like an "X" and sits there. I'll play
around with it some when I get back from my folks
house but did you have that problem after you got your
NIC working?
Thanks again for ppinting me to your earlier
conversation. It was a tremendous help
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