failure installing 5.2.1: cbb0: Unsupported card type detected

David Landgren david at
Fri May 28 01:42:57 PDT 2004


I have an old laptop, an HP XE3 OmniBook. Nice machine from an 
ergonomical point of view, and I was thinking of recycling it by 
installing FreeBSD.

I downloaded the ISO for 5.2.1. It starts to boot just fine, but during 
the kernel load it dies with the message

	cbb0: Unsupported card type detected

I tried selecting Safe mode, but it freezes earlier with

	cbb0: [MPSAFE]

A few lines above it says

cbb0: <02Micro 026933 PCI-CardBus Bridge> irq 9 at device 4.0 on pci2

Is there any way to get around this? I've seen a few messages on the 
subject in the archives but apparently these all involve running 
systems, something I don't yet have :(

Or should I try 4.10 instead?

Thanks for the clues,

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