config is out of sinc
Jerry McAllister
jerrymc at
Thu May 27 07:08:33 PDT 2004
> > I am a little confused on the differen=
> ce of=20
> > RELENG_4_9 and RELENG_4_9_0_RELEASE. Is the first one for stable systems,=
> and=20
> > the later one for current systems?
> Think of it like this:
> RELENG_4_9_0_RELEASE marks the *beginning* of the RELENG_4_9 branch.
> RELENG_4_9 marks the *end* of the RELENG_4_9 branch.
> Thus the set of files labelled as RELENG_4_9_0_RELEASE won't change
> over time, whereas the set of files labelled as RELENG_4_9 will, to
> account for the security patches added to 4.9-RELEASE.
> The terms 'stable' and 'current' don't apply to the RELENG_4_9 or any
> of the other release branches. Think of the whole source repository
> of FreeBSD as like a tree. The tree has a trunk, which corresponds to
> 'CURRENT' ('.' in cvsup, also called 'HEAD' in cvs), and the tip of
> that trunk to the latest development versions of all of the files,
> etc. that go to make up the sources.
> Every so often a major branch grows out of that trunk: those are the
> -STABLE branches. That branching happens on average about once every
> two years. The first level branches have labels like 'RELENG_4' in
> cvs. Every few months you then get a 2nd level '-RELEASE' branch from
> the -STABLE branches: those have labels like 'RELENG_4_9'. Usually
> there's just the one main -STABLE branch actively being developed at a
> time and spawning release branches.
> As a special case at the moment, some -RELEASE branches have been
> produced directly off the main trunk (CURRENT) -- those are precursors
> to the imminent creation of the newest main branch to be called
Geez, you keep this up and you're going to end up making this
process all clearly understood. No mystery left... ;-)
> Cheers,
> Matthew
> --=20
> Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil. 26 The Paddocks
> Savill Way
> PGP: Marlow
> Tel: +44 1628 476614 Bucks., SL7 1TH UK
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