App like M$ Project
Andreas Ntaflos
daff at
Mon May 24 11:24:33 PDT 2004
On Mon, May 24, 2004 at 02:05:39PM -0400, Bob Collins wrote:
> I am looking for a nice Open Source app like Microsloth's Project. I
> have Googled a bit and find nothing interesting. Do any of you have a
> suggestion for such a thing, assuming it even exists? Of course, I would
> also like to run it on FBSD, but if it could also run on Winderz, for
> some of my (L)users, that would be good too.
You probably want to check out Gantt-Project at
It's a Java program, meaning you need a working installation of Java on
your system (which you probably have anyway). Start it by using
> java -jar ganttproject-1.9.11.jar
Since it is a native Java app it runs a bit slowly :) It probably isn't
as powerful as MS Project, but I think it features enough functionality
to be useful.
As a matter of fact, I am using it right now for a stupid and boring
project management course at the TU Vienna. Unfortunately the
documentation/manual is not very impressive.
Andreas "daff" Ntaflos | "A cynic is a man who knows the price of
daff AT dword DOT org | everything, and the value of nothing."
Vienna, AUSTRIA | Oscar Wilde
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