sophos anti virus and mailmonitor on freebsd

Micheal Patterson micheal at
Mon May 24 06:02:32 PDT 2004

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Frank Mueller" <Franky-Mueller at>
To: "Thomas Farrell" <info at>
Cc: <freebsd-questions at>
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 1:12 AM
Subject: Re: sophos anti virus and mailmonitor on freebsd

> I wonder who should ever need mailmonitor in FreeBSD????
> Here we are running Sophos on several FBSD machines and we use amavis to
make it scan and filter
> our mails. That works perfectly and so I see no need for mailmonitor at
> Greetz,
> Frank

While it is true that Sophos  sweep will run under Amavis, and that's all
you need, if you're processing mail with that system, then it's considered a
mail gateway to them legally and you have to purchase the mail gateway
version to legally use it. Trust me on this, I went round and around with
this problem because when I ordered Sophos for FreeBSD a couple of years
back, I specifically asked about the ability to use it on our mail server
and everything was good. This was before they offered their mail gateway
system. Earlier this year, our license was about to expire so I went to
renew and was shocked to hear that I was now in violation of my license. I
informed them that it was running on my smtp server, and was then informed
that their licensing had changed and now, I needed to purchase the product
for the mail gateway.  All I needed was to be able to run sweep, but we were
going to be forced to buy the Enterprise edition for mail gateways in order
to continue using it.  A Network Server != SMTP Server to them. I see no
reason to purchase the entire mail gateway package as it's not necessary,
however to be legal with them, it is. Hence the reason that we switched to
another av package and pulled sweep from our server.


Micheal Patterson
TSG Network Administration

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