Is down.

Kent Stewart kstewart at
Sun May 23 11:54:18 PDT 2004

On Sunday 23 May 2004 11:43 am, J.D. Bronson wrote:
> been this way for hours. Perhaps someone has an explanation ?

It has also been down for me for hours but the only thing it affects is 
my grabing INDEX and INDEX-5 and access to cvsweb.cgi. It has a benefit 
because it finally caused me to add the port to do that so I can 
reference everything to my local mirror. It is alway running the latest 
version of Apache-2 and access via the Internet is always slower :). I 
just don't fix anything that isn't broken.


> At 01:39 PM 5/23/2004, you wrote:
> > seems to be down. Everything else appears to
> > be working.
> >

Kent Stewart
Richland, WA

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