Help with PCMCIA card support

Vince Hoffman jhary at
Fri May 21 14:27:34 PDT 2004

On Thu, 20 May 2004, Martin Phillips wrote:

> I am trying to install FreeBSD on an old laptop that used to run various
> versions of Windows.  I have two problems...
> 1. The installation process appears not to see my PCMCIA cards.  Running
> pccardd says "No PC-CARD slots".  That's a shame really, because my ethernet
> card is essential.  How do I convince the system that there really are card
> slots?

you seem to be using 5.2.1 so the pccardc/pccardd commands are not used
unless you recompile your kernel with the options to use the old pcmcia
code.  see /usr/src/sys/i386/conf/OLDCARD if you have the system sources
have a look through your dmesg and see if cbb0 is mentioned (havent got a
laptop handy to tell you exactly what you could grep on, sorry.) if so
then it may be the pcmcia card not the controller that is not recognised.

> 2. Resolution is not helped by the install process not showing the Kernel
> Configuration Menu that is described in section 2.3.2 of the documentation.
> How can I get to this menu to check my system configuration?

Sorry cant help, which documentation ? the handbook doesnt seem to have a
2.3.2 section. Its possible your looking at something related to the < 5.x
preinstallation config menu.


> uname -a reports:
> FreeBSD <hostname> 5.2.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE #0: <date>
> root at i386
> Martin Phillips
> Ladybridge Systems
> 17b Coldstream Lane, Hardingstone, Northampton NN4 6DB
> +44-(0)1604-709200
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