Login question

Bill Moran wmoran at potentialtech.com
Thu May 20 16:05:00 PDT 2004

[Please use "reply-all" to keep the mailing list in the recipient list]

Christopher Svensrud wrote:
> I have tried your suggestion and I get the same problem. "incorrect
> password".

Are you saying you're getting the login error when you try to login in from
Windows via smb?  If so, this is a completely different problem than the
one I gave you a fix for.

> I am running version 4.9 with KDE desktop. I am trying to set this machine
> up as a simple file server. 

Can you log in to KDE?

> I get message containing nmbd[187] as I try to log in. Is there a way to
> disable or edit smb.conf from single user mode? If really thing this might
> be part of the source of my problem.

I'm not sure, but I don't think your problem is with FreeBSD, but with Samba.

Take a look at some of these docs:

Note the following additional information:
1) If your problem is with logging in via samba, you'll probably get better
    assistance posting your question to the samba mailing lists:
2) If your problem is with samba, you'll most likely need to include your
    smb.conf file in order to get any decent help.

> Cheers
> Chris
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bill Moran [mailto:wmoran at potentialtech.com] 
> Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 12:29 PM
> To: Christopher Svensrud
> Cc: freebsd-questions at FreeBSD.org
> Subject: Re: Login question
> Christopher Svensrud wrote:
>>I keep having the same problem with login. The system keeps indicating
> that
>>the password is incorrect. I have been able to reset the password and
> still
>>it gives me the same message.
>>I just started running FreBSD and I was setting up Samba when this
> occurred.
> Reboot the system by hitting <ctrl>+<alt>+<delete>, while it's booting back
> up, press space bar when you see the "press <enter> to boot or ..." and
> before
> it finishes counting down.  (You don't mention which version of FreeBSD
> you're
> using, but FreeBSD 5 has a spiffy menu here where you can just select a menu
> item for single-user mode) At the prompt, enter "boot -s" to boot into
> single-
> user mode.  When asked for a default shell, just hit <enter> to accept the
> default.  Once you have a shell prompt, enter "fsck -y" and then "mount -a".
> Now you're logged in and can execute commands as root.  Enter "passwd
> <user>"
> to change the password for <user>.  If you omit <user>, you'll change the
> root
> password.
> good luck.

Bill Moran
Potential Technologies

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