Matthew Seaman
m.seaman at infracaninophile.co.uk
Thu May 20 12:09:51 PDT 2004
On Thu, May 20, 2004 at 12:54:59PM -0600, Shawn Guillemette wrote:
> Hello,
> I am in search for a application that I can use on my freebsd machine to
> read a mail spool and track email's that are sent in from customers. I would
> like to be able to track what employee has replied to how many email's. It
> would also be of great help if the application had the ability to lock any
> email messages that are currently being worked on until unlocked by the
> person reading it or a system admin.
> At one place I had worked in the past they had pearl programmers in house
> and spent some time on a system that would allow users (Employees) to log
> into a web based application. Each user would be able to see the same
> messages. ( Simular to a webmail client however each users has their own
> login) This system would allow each user to reply to the customers with a
> department signature and their name at the bottom. This way the customer hits
> reply and it goes to the department not the employees mailbox. Also allowing
> the next employee to review what was asked and the response that the previous
> co worker gave.
I believe that the www/rt3 port can do what you want. Although RT is
designed to be used primarily via it's web interface, you can generate
tickets by sending e-mail to it:
It's quite possible this is the very perl-based system you describe.
Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil. 26 The Paddocks
Savill Way
PGP: http://www.infracaninophile.co.uk/pgpkey Marlow
Tel: +44 1628 476614 Bucks., SL7 1TH UK
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