/usr out of space

hoe-waa at hawaii.rr.com hoe-waa at hawaii.rr.com
Wed May 19 23:51:07 PDT 2004

> On Thursday 20 May 2004 02:19 am, hoe-waa at hawaii.rr.com wrote:
> > Aloha Nicholas
> > Thanks for responding. I had just received a hint
> > about growfs and while reading that I found out
> > about newfs. I have indeed performed the newfs and
> > can now mount /dev/da1s4f.
> > Would it be possible to use growfs to add the new
> > slice to /usr?
> It is possible to use growfs, but in your case - more complicated, 
> as 
> you have /usr and the new /usr in two different slices.  You'd have 
> to 
> resize the slice with fdisk, then use disklabel and growfs. 

I'm aware of that as I have been studying growfs 
and fdisk for the last half an hour. I wasn't 
wanting to waste that 2.3 Gig in the middle of 
slice 2 but now I think I'll use it for /home 
after I get /usr moved.

Thanks again and wish me luck because here I go!


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